Volatility 3 CheatSheet
Comparing commands from Vol2 > Vol3

Below are some of the more commonly used plugins from Volatility 2 and their Volatility 3 counterparts.
A Basic DFIR Blog
Comparing commands from Vol2 > Vol3
Below are some of the more commonly used plugins from Volatility 2 and their Volatility 3 counterparts.
Exam Preparation Guide
The idea of passing this infamous exam is rather daunting and can be overwhelming. If you’ve recently embarked on this journey and are in search of tips and tricks on how to tackle this beast then look no further. This post outlines exactly what resources you need to pass CISSP.
CTF 101
Have you always been interested in participating in a Cyber Capture the Flag (CTF) event but you’re not quite sure what to expect or how to get started? This post is a follow up to a talk I gave for WiCyS San Antonio that will provide you with an introduction to these events as well as some tips and tricks I’ve picked up in my own CTF journey.